Pilgrim Hot Springs is closed May-June 2024 for construction projects!
Open dates: July 1 - September 22, 2024
Keep an eye on our social media or website for announcements @pilgrimhotsprings
Hours of Operation for Summer Season 2024 (July 1 - September 22)
10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. for Day Pass Visitors
Pool & property reserved for overnight guests after 10:00 p.m.
Overnight guest check-in: 3:00-10:00 p.m.
Check-out: NOON
One of the most common questions we are asked is how best to get to Pilgrim Hot Springs. There are a few ways to visit the springs and a variety of modes of transportation exist. Namely, the 60 mile road leading from Nome all the way to Pilgrim Hot Springs. Some choose to visit by air as well...
Driving the road requires a vehicle of some kind, but visitors come out in cars, trucks, bicycles, snowmachines, or four-wheelers. The first 53 miles of the Kougarok Road are generally well maintained but please take caution and drive slowly. At times, especially after hard summer rains the road can get rough with potholes and washboards. Flying rocks can be a bummer if they crack your windshield. Also, watch out for people pulled over on the side of the road. Please keep in mind that there are no gas stations or stores outside of Nome. Local's advice: bring a spare tire!

Helicopter service may be provided by Bering Air in Nome, weather permitting. $650 per person, minimum 2 ppl, max 5 ppl. Rate includes landing fee for Unaatuq, LLC and Pilgrim Hot Springs Permit/Day Pass. 2-3 hours on ground for bathing & sightseeing, total experience time: 4-5 hrs. For more information about scheduling and rates, please call Bering Air or visit their website.
Bering Air (907) 443-5464